неділя, 8 березня 2020 р.

Women's day!

We rise by lifting others. Happy Women's day! Nous nous élévons en élevant les autres. Joyeuse journée de la femme! Ми піднімаємось, піднімаючи інших. Щасливий жіночий день! ننهض برفع الآخرين. يوم سعيد للمرأة!

понеділок, 10 лютого 2020 р.

Praying for China...

We all love Jackie Chan, Bruce Lee, Jet Li and the Chinese people's wonderful innovations helping mankind in one way or the other.
Americans, Canadians, Africans, Europe, Middle Eastern, and people from other parts of the world came to China to teach English. ... and races, connected strangers, and inspired people to do amazing things.
The sooner they get better, the better it is for the whole world.

четвер, 2 січня 2020 р.

 Hope you and family had a Merry Christmas.
Wishing you all Lots of gratitude for the positive impact we as expatriates make to each and everyone's lives. For that, we pray and wish the have, have nots and everyone everywhere a prosperous Happy New Year 2020.🙂🎄☃️✈️👏😔🌺

субота, 2 вересня 2017 р.

Admissions are now open for 2018/2019! Foreign prospective students are advised to submit their on-line applications as early as possible.

Admissions are now open for 2018/2019! International prospective students wishing to pursue their academic majors in:-  

(DipLang) (DipPeda) (A.A.) (A.S.) (AAS) , (B.A.) (B.S.) (BFA) (BAS) (MBBS), (M.A.) (M.S.) (MBA) (MFA), (Ph.D.) (J.D.) (M.D.) (DDS).

1) Arts: Performing arts,Visual arts. 2) Humanities: Geography,History,Languages and literature,Philosophy,Theology. 3) Social sciences: Anthropology,Economics,Law,Political science,Psychology,Sociology. 4) Natural sciences: Biology,Chemistry,Earth sciences,Space sciences,Physics. 5) Formal sciences: Computer Science,Mathematics,Statistics. 6) Applied sciences: Engineering,Medicine and health sciences. May apply now by submitting their applications for an admimission/invitation with visa support letter. We apologize for any mistakes cause by us. Also excuse us, if we do not reply or respond to your comments, questions or inquiries immediately. You can always feel free to contact us any time by E-mail, Skype or Facebook or through any of our Fixed and Cell phone lines. In case of any urgent consultation about studying and working abroad. We shall always do our best to get get back to you within 1 to 2 working days.

пʼятниця, 12 лютого 2016 р.


EARLY REGISTRATION FOR ADMISSION/INVITATION WITH VISA SUPPORT LETTERS ARE NOW FREE AND OPEN FOR 2016/2017!! Since as places turn out to fill up quickly, all foreign students are advice to apply and submit their applications on time. So as to meet up before Deadline(s), without being placed on Waiting list.

Apply to universities in Ukraine, Belarus, Russia, UK, US, Canada, Australia, China, S. Korea, Japan, S. Africa, Germany, France, Estonia, Czech, Iceland, Hungary, Slovenia, (Schengen & EU) and other countries abroad with Aim Group Consultancy. After completion of Preparatory (Foundation / Pathway) or First Year of University Program, Foreign students are allowed to register for 4 to 6 years Temporary Student Resident Permit .There are also available government funded Tuition fees / Scholarships for Outstanding International Students with Permanent Resident Permit.

Applying to universities abroad is fairly simple. In order to study abroad, international students need an invitation letter that confirms their admittance to their chosen university. You can obtain an invitation letter directly through the university, or through one of many organizations that provide this service for both January and September intakes.

100% Admission/Invitation with Visa support letter.
100% Guaranteed Visas to deserving candidates.


1) High quality academic programmes
2) Cutting-edge laboratories and facilities
3) Innovative research
4) Internationally-recognized degrees
5) Improved career prospects
6) Good value for money
7) Scholarships and funding opportunities for foreign students
8) Support services for international candidates
9) The chance to learn a new language or study in English
10) A great choice of cultural and leisure opportunities

We are now accepting applications from foreign students, to gain admission into any of the following academic degrees:

1) Bachelor's / Undergraduate degrees
2) Master's / Postgraduate degrees
3) Doctoral /  Ph.D degrees

*University Courses/Programs and Faculties

1) Agrarian 2) General Medicine 3) Dentistry 4) Pharmacy 5) Nursing 6) Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery (MBBS) 7) Architecture 8) Civil Engineering 9) Material Science Engineering. 10) Maritime 11) Mining Industry 12) Mining and Electrical 13) Mining and Geology 14) Master of Business Administration (MBA)  15) Automobile Construction and Designs 16) Physical and Metallurgy 17) Food Technology 18) Economics and Management 19) Computer Information 20) Computer Engineering  21) Civil Aviation 22) Airplane Construction and Design 23) Engineering 24) Pedagogical 25) Chemistry and Technology 26)Energetic 27) Doctoral and Research 27)Studies Center for Development of Professional Skills and Personnel's Retraining

We apologize for any mistakes cause by us. Also excuse us, if we do not reply or respond to your comments, questions or inquiries immediately. You can always feel free to contact us any time by E-mail, Skype or Facebook or through any of our Fixed and Cell phone lines. In case of any emergency, we shall get back to you within 1 to 2 working days

Head Office: Suite 4, Ludviga Svobodi 51A Kharkov -- Ukraine Tel: (+380)675204641, +380636464130, +380630459210, +380631644629, Fax: +380669857873 +380504200059 PMB: 61174 Cameroon: Sappa Road Down Beach SW Region, Fako Division P.O BOX 393, Limbe Tel: (+237) 677826271, +237 675 01 41 39, +237 679 82 46 46, +237 233 33 21 41, Fax: +237 233 33 27 23, +237663078266

Email/Contact addresses:
admin@aimgroupconsultancy.com Facebook: Ngwi Acha Akem
Skype: ngwi.acha.akem
Website: www.aimgroupconsultancy.com